Truth! A prompt for writers group was "Write the truth that I'm afraid of!" As I ponder what truth I could be afraid of I can't help but think of Jesus. He said He was the Truth. Within that context what about Jesus could I be I afraid of? I'm reminded of Peter, what truth was he afraid of that he denied Christ? I'm no different than Peter, so what truth could I fearfully be denying?
At an Awards show Oprah declared that people needed "To be true to their truth!" With that in mind, wouldn't my truth negate Christ's truth? Unless, of course, His truth is my truth. So to what truth do I need to be true that I could potentially be afraid of? Hmmm, what a conundrum this prompt is becoming!
John writes in his first epistle that there is a Spirit of Truth and a spirit of error. One leads to wisdom the other folly. Wisdom is simply knowing how to take knowledge and apply it to everyday life. Folly is the total lack of good sense, the origin of the word is from the idea of madness. The word more commonly used is foolish, which means unwise! So if unwise, that would mean you wouldn't know how to take knowledge and apply it to everyday life! Well that would not be good!! There's something I'm afraid of, foolishness!
Well then to write the truth I'm afraid of would be to write about the foolishness in my life! If that's the case I would be in good company, for that's what Solomon did when he wrote Ecclesiastes. He emphasizes throughout Ecclesiastes that to know wisdom you have to examine madness and folly. To write of such things would be .... my oh my so true! So there is a truth I'm afraid of and can't deny, my life's madness and folly!